If you have diabetes, especially Type-2, you know how important regular exercise is. From lowering your blood pressure and blood sugar to keeping your weight down, an active lifestyle is critical. However, it also comes with risks.
Whether running, lifting weights or even just power walking, foot injuries and foot pain while working out are common. But for someone with diabetes, even the smallest injury can be dangerous. So, can you work out and stay safe? Absolutely. Here are a few foot care tips that will help you get healthy while protecting your feet.
Select the Right Footwear
Don’t skip the workouts. Just make sure to take the right approach and protect your feet.
And the chances are slim that you will find the right ones in the bargain bin. Instead, invest in high-quality ergonomic footwear. The shoe should bend where your foot bends, have strong heel support, feature padded insoles and offer arch support. Typically, cross-trainers are a good option.
Focus on Fit
Even if a shoe is well constructed, that doesn’t mean it fits you right. You want shoes that are wide enough that they do not press on the feet but fit tight enough that they do not slip and rub any part of the foot or ankle.
Never Skip the Socks
And make sure they fit well too. Socks are a critical protective barrier for the feet, providing the cushioning needed to prevent friction from the shoe. However, if they are overly thick, the seams rub the toes or are too loose or tight, causing injury on their own. Opt for white socks, that way any blood or fluid from an injury is clear to you when you remove them.
If you are struggling to figure out the right shoes and socks for your workouts, don’t worry. We are here to help. Call our Gaithersburg office today at 301-948-2995 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with our foot care specialists.